Be conscientious and make a good job of publication. 认真做好出版工作。
The very weekend of publication, a terrible vengeance was visited upon me: not one but two large, painful and mercilessly prominent carbuncles. 就在这周末,可怕地报应袭击了我:不是一个是两个,胀大、很痛的、无情的痈。
One great advantage of the Web's infrastructure is its ability to enable the decentralization of publication. Web基础结构的一个主要优点是其发布分散化的能力。
Approach of management of journal of medical science in the reform of publication system 医学学术期刊在体制改革中的经营探讨
The study was released online Aug.8 in advance of publication in an upcoming print issue of the journal Cancer. 这项研究将会在刊物Cancer上发布,但8月8日时也已在网上进行了公布。
He said the cartoon samples I had sent him were good and worthy of publication. 信中他还提到我的样品画的不错,值得出版。
I believe that through various means of publication in the program, people will have a clearer picture of the importance and shortage of water. 我相信通过活动中各种形式的宣传,人们对水的重要和短缺从思想上会有一个更全面的认识。
The types of publication include CD/ DVD, distance education, E-books, journal and so on. 中小学体育、中老年体育运动教材。出版的种类还涵盖CD/DVD,远程教育,电子书籍,期刊等。
A witch or wizard anywhere in Britain can have a copy in hand within a short time of publication. 在极短的出版周期之内,英国如何地方的男巫或女巫都可以人手一份。
"The Classical Picture Album Series of World Chinese Celebrities" is the systematic project of publication. 《世界华人名人经典画册系列》是一个系统的出版工程。
It introduces an effective means of publication. 该报告介绍了一种有效的出版方式。
At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision. 本手册发布时,所示版本均为有效,所有标准和法规都会被修订。
Tool that helps you create a particular kind of publication or change an object in a publication. 此工具帮助您创建一个精细的出版物或改变出版物中的对象。
This paper expounds the important functions of human resource in the competition of publication industry from four aspects of authors, editors, decision-makers and marketing personnel. 从作者、编辑、决策者和营销人员四方面阐述了人力资源在出版业竞争中的重要作用。
He bought at least 60 per cent of his books at the time of publication. 在他的收藏中,至少有60%是在出版时买的。
A person responsible for the editorial aspects of publication. 一个在出版物主笔方面负责的人。
The municipal administrative department of publication is responsible for map publication jointly with the Administrative Office. 本市出版行政管理部门会同市测管办,负责本市地图出版的管理。
Students are strongly encouraged to craft their essays and stories with a goal of publication. 学生们被强烈建议以出版作为写作短文与故事的目标。
Table '% s' is not part of publication '% s'. 表''%1!''不是发布''%2!''的一部分。
The number is assigned based on the magazine's specific characteristics, including number of pages, frequency of publication and other factors. 这个号码的编发是建立在杂志的具体特性,包括页数,出版频率和其他因素。
The Kitchen Table Press has provided a means of publication for creative writing and social criticism that might not otherwise have made it into print via a mainstream press. 厨房餐桌出版社为那些有创意的写作和社会批评提供了出版渠道,而这些作品在主流出版社可能不会得以出版。
The whole of the limited edition* was taken up by the booksellers on the day of publication. 这本书出版的当天,它的限量版就被书商们买走了。
Projects of publication in co-operation with foreign countries shall be determined through full consultation between the two parties thereto. 对外合作出版项目,应经双方充分协商确定。
Catalog cards give author, title, place and year of publication. 目录卡标明了图书的作者,书名,出版地点和年份。
CIP ( cataloguing in publication) data is the data of title catalogue compiled during the process of publication and printed books. 图书在版编目数据是在图书出版过程中编制,并印在图书上的书目数据。
In the course of publication, we came to realize the mutual interaction between the magazine person and the author in terms of sex. 出版中我们看到了杂志人和作者之间存在的互动性别关系。
We found no evidence of publication bias in reports on publication bias. 我们认为在关于出版偏倚的报告中,无证据表明出版偏弃的存在。
Influence of Remote Manuscript Processing System on the Cycle of Publication of Chinese Journal on Ecology 远程稿件处理系统对期刊发稿周期的影响
A list of writings with time and place of publication ( such as the writings of a single author or the works referred to in preparing a document etc.). 带有出版时间地点的作品列表(如某个作者的作品,或与要准备的文件相关的作品)。
Applicants for a special publication at the request of the media should shoulder part of publication costs. 申请人对发布媒体有特别要求时,应承担一部分发布费用。